Explosion in Melitopol: Mayor Fedorov says that two collaborators were injured. The media write that now collaborator Danilchenko wants to resign

Julia Sheredeha

After the explosions in Melitopol, the head of the temporary occupation Russian "administration" of Melitopol, Galina Danilchenko, has asked for resignation. This was reported by the local publication Ria-Melitopol.

"Collaborators have a commotion in Melitopol after yesterdayʼs morning explosion. Galina Danilchenko was so frightened that she is already asking to resign," the statement reads.

The publication, citing its own source, reports that yesterday Danilchenko announced that she was resigning from the post of head of the "military-civil administration" because she feared for her life.

During the United News telethon, Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov said that an explosion in the city on May 30 injured two people who seized power in the nearby village of Terpinnia.

"As for yesterdayʼs incident, two people were injured. These are representatives of collaborators who seized power in Terpinnia. They are in the hospital. Nothing threatens their lives. As for the Balytskyʼs niece, who allegedly suffered as a result of the explosion, this information is not confirmed," Fedorov said.

  • Yesterday, on May 30, an explosion occurred in the temporarily occupied Melitopol. A car exploded near the central square, where the "military administration" of collaborators is located. Two people were reported injured in the blast. Among them is the niece of the self-proclaimed "governor" of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast Balytsia, Eugenia Zaitseva, who works in the occupation "military-civil administration" of Melitopol. Another man received a head injury.