”One of the biggest attacks.” Lviv oblast was subjected to a massive missile strike by Russia

Oleg Panfilovych

The Russian occupiers launched a massive missile strike in the Lviv oblastat night.

The mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovy reported about it.

"That night in the Lviv region, there were two air alarms and 2 massive waves of rocket flights. No missile landed in Lviv. The air defense forces worked well. Therefore, we do not know whether our city was the target this time," said the mayor.

He added that in one of the villages of the Yavoriv district, the wreckage of the rocket partially damaged the railway infrastructure. Windows flew in the surrounding houses.

"And itʼs all in the 20-kilometer zone to the border with the European Union. It really was one of the biggest attacks on the Lviv region in terms of the number of missiles, "Sadovyi explained.