France will hand over 12 more Caesar self-propelled guns to Ukraine

Oleksandra Amru

France will transfer 12 French CAESAR 155 mm self-propelled artillery units.

This was reported by French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu.

Ukraine concluded a contract for the supply of howitzers with the European defense company KNDS on the sidelines of the industrial forum organized yesterday in Kyiv. Installations will be transferred at the expense of Ukraine.

According to Lecornu, the increase in the production capacity of the French defense-industrial complex allows Ukraine to be supported with weapons in the future.

  • On October 1, KNDS announced that it is opening a subsidiary in Ukraine to strengthen the Ukrainian industryʼs ability to service and repair KNDS systems. In particular, we are talking about Leopard 1 and Leopard 2 tanks, CAESAR artillery mounts, AMX10 RC armored vehicles, PzH 2000 howitzers and Gepard anti-aircraft guns.
  • CAESAR (fr. CAmion Equipé dʼun Système dʼARtillerie — "truck equipped with an artillery system") is a self-propelled artillery installation designed for the destruction of manpower, artillery batteries, pillboxes, as well as for providing passages in minefields and field barriers. The gun can use the entire range of 155-mm NATO shells, including cluster ones. The maximum fire distance is 42 km. It can carry up to 18 shells and fire six 6 shots per minute.

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