Ukraine returned seven more children from the occupation

Oleksandra Amru

“Save Ukraine” together with “Bring Kids Back UA” brought home seven more children from the occupied Kherson region and Crimea. Two of them are orphans.

This was reported by the founder of the charity organization “Save Ukraine” Mykola Kuleba.

He said that the three-year-old Anya, who managed to be taken to the free territory, was threatened to be taken away from her mother Maryna by the Kadyrovites. The woman was forced to issue Russian documents, taken away for questioning several times and forbidden to use social networks. Despite the persecution, Maryna and her daughter managed to leave the occupation.

Lyudmila and her 14-year-old son Yehor also found it difficult to return. The woman tries to speak in a whisper, afraid to communicate freely and openly say what she thinks, says Kuleba.

Lyudmila came under enemy fire at her workplace. The occupiers constantly threatened to tear up the Ukrainian passport and kill Lyudmila. The woman hesitated to leave the occupation for a long time, because she was afraid that her son might be taken away at the border. However, the family is now safe and is already receiving the help they need.

As Kuleba notes, in total, philanthropists managed to save 508 children, of which 115 are orphans.

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