Law enforcement officers identified the Russian general and 10 of his subordinates who organized the torture chamber in occupied Kherson

Oleksandra Amru

Ukrainian law enforcement officers identified and reported the suspicion in absentia to 11 Russian police officers. All of them were accused of violating the laws and customs of war by the groupʼs previous conspiracy.

This was reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, in June 2022, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from various divisions were sent to the occupied territory of the Kherson region to ensure the occupation regime. In order to avoid responsibility, their personal data was changed.

In Kherson, a 47-year-old Major General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation headed the illegally created "Temporary Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Kherson region." Two colonels of the Russian police became his deputies.

"Officials" of the pseudo-organ controlled the Kherson detention center. In July 2022, a 38-year-old senior lieutenant of the Russian police with the nickname “Zlyi” ["Evil"] became the head of the occupation detention center. Seven more junior officers and sergeants of the Russian police took ordinary positions in this detention center.

Suspects of the conspiracy illegally imprisoned at least 183 civilians and abused them physically and psychologically. In particular, people were beaten and tortured there with electric current. One of the suspects assisted in the intentional killing of the imprisoned man.

Also, under the threat of physical punishment, the suspects forced the prisoners to vote in a pseudo-referendum on joining the Kherson region to the Russian Federation.

In October 2022, the suspects took part in the forced transportation of at least 60 civilians from a captured detention center to places of detention on the left bank of the Kherson region and other occupied territories. Only nine of them were then able to return to the territory controlled by Ukraine. The whereabouts of the others is still unknown.