The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine failed to vote on renaming more than 300 settlements. The MPs went to the conciliation council

Iryna Perepechko

The MPs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine did not adopt Resolution No. 11188 on de-Russification of the names of 333 Ukrainian settlements. 208 MPs out of the required 261 voted pro. Now the MPs have gone to the conciliation council to re-examine the resolution later.

The MPs Oleksiy Honcharenko, Iryna Herashchenko and Roman Lozinskyi informed about this.

3 parliamentarians from the "Servant of the People" party voted against the adoption of the resolution on renaming individual settlements and districts.

40 MPs from the "Servant of the People" party, 15 — from "Platform for Life and Peace", 3 — from "European Solidarity", 2 — from "Motherland", 6 — from "Restoration of Ukraine", and 2 — from "Trust" did not vote.

Роман Лозинський

After the failed vote, parliamentarians blocked the rostrum. According to Herashchenko, there were representatives of all parliamentary factions near the podium, except for the former representatives of the "Opposition Platform — For Life" party, now banned in Ukraine.

The parliamentarians demanded to convene a conciliation council and re-submit the resolution on decommunization and decolonization.

Among the 333 settlements, in particular, itʼs about Severodonetsk in the Luhansk region (proposed to be renamed to Siverskodonetsk), Chervonohrad in the Lviv region (proposed to be renamed to Sheptytskyi), Yuzhnoukrainsk in the Mykolaiv region (proposed to be renamed to Gard).

Renaming in Ukraine

In 2022, 9 859 toponyms were renamed in Ukraine and 145 monuments associated with Russian figures were dismantled.

  • In August 2024, the mayor of Odesa Hennadiy Trukhanov criticized the renaming of toponyms in the city, which was approved by the Odesa Regional Military Administration. At the same time, the head of the latter Oleh Kiper emphasized that streets named after people associated with Russia or the Soviet Union have no place in the Ukrainian city.
  • In July, the mayor of Dnipro Borys Filatov also opposed the renaming of toponyms in the city, which were approved by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Military Administration. Filatov stated that "now the Dnipro City Council is choosing legal procedures, how exactly to stop this madness," referring to the renaming.