The Prime Minister of Slovakia announced about troops with Nazi symbols in Ukraine. The Ukrainian MFA reacted

Liza Brovko

The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, said that there are military personnel in Ukraine allegedly connected to Nazi and fascist movements, but the international community "does not object" to this.

He told the Slovak news agency TASR about this.

"The international community must recognize that troops who use Nazi names, who often behave like Nazis, cannot fight in Ukraine," he added, without specifying who he meant.

All this conversation took place during Ficoʼs visits to the Holocaust Museum in the city of Sered.

The reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kyiv is disappointed by the statement of the Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, to the Ukrainian soldiers who are now defending their home and all of Europe from the Russian invaders, marked with the Latin letters "Z" — a symbol of the fascist aesthetics of modern Russia.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Heorhiy Tykhyi, also emphasized that in the 20th century, the Ukrainian people suffered multi-million losses in the fight against Nazism, millions of Ukrainians fought on the side of the anti-Hitler coalition and made a significant contribution to the victory over Nazism.

In addition, Tykhyi reminded that more than 2,600 Ukrainians are included in the list of Righteous Among the Nations for saving Jews during the Holocaust.

"We are counting on the combined efforts of Slovakia and all our European partners in countering the latest Russian evil, which has brought atrocities on Ukrainian soil unseen since the Second World War," he summarized.