State Water Agency: Seim and Desna rivers are polluted

Liza Brovko

The Seim and Desna rivers are polluted, but this is organic pollution, no chemical or highly toxic substances are recorded there.

This was reported by the head of the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine Mykhailo Yanchuk.

First, there was pollution of the Seim River, which was transferred to the Desna River. The State Water Agency and the laboratories of the State Ecoinspection monitor the water quality of these rivers every day.

According to Yanchuk, all special services are making efforts to eliminate pollution. Scientists and other specialists are also involved in this.

Today, August 29, a meeting of the State Commission on Technological and Environmental Safety and Emergency Situations will be held, after which executive and local self-government bodies will be instructed on how to localize and eliminate the consequences.

The day before, on August 28, the mayor of Vyshhorod Oleksiy Momot informed that a poisonous substance was allegedly discovered in Desna, which is flowing down from under the Russian border. Then he deleted his post. Later, the Kyiv Regional State Administration noted that no pollution or sea of fish was detected within the Kyiv region. However, swimming or fishing there is still prohibited.

The day before, the State Fisheries Agency reported on the pollution of the Seim River, which is a left tributary of the Desna River, within Sumy region. There was a strong excess of the maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants, in particular ammonium and suspended solids.