Shelling of a chemical plant in Sumy with an ammonia leak. Five commanders of the Russian army were informed of the suspicion

Oleksandra Amru

Ukrainian law enforcement officers identified and informed two generals and three colonels of the Western Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on suspicion of violating the laws and customs of war.

This was reported in the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

According to the investigation, on March 21, 2022, the Russian military with rocket artillery purposefully fired at the ammonia department of the Sumikhimprom chemical plant in the Ukrainian city of Sumy, despite the fact that the facility is under the protection of international humanitarian law. Based on the collected evidence, the law enforcement officers established that the suspects planned this operation and gave criminal orders.

Due to the Russian attack , there was a leak with the evaporation of 67 tons of ammonia into the air. More than 10 million hryvnias were caused to the state.

There was no military facility near the enterprise. The Russian military tried to intimidate the peaceful Ukrainian population in this way.

The Russian Federation tried to hide its involvement in this crime. The official representative of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation stated that the Ukrainian military allegedly mined warehouses with ammonia and chlorine in order to poison the enemy if he entered the city.

Now they are solving the issue of declaring Russian servicemen wanted. In addition, as part of the investigation, Russian soldiers who carried out criminal orders are being identified.