Ex-general of SBU Naumov was declared an international wanted man

Oleksandra Opanasenko

Interpol has placed the ex-head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Andriy Naumov on international wanted list.

This was reported to the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI).

The law enforcement officers do not name the wanted person, but it follows from the case file that he is Andriy Naumov, who in 2019-2021 headed the Main Department of Internal Security of SBU.

SBI suspects Naumov, in particular, of fraud, which caused losses to the state of more than 3.2 million hryvnias.

In early June 2022, Naumov was detained on the territory of Serbia while trying to get to North Macedonia. During the search, €592 000, $120 000 and two precious stones were found in the car. Serbian police informed that the money and precious stones "probably come from criminal activities." Naumov was tried. Ukraine refused to extradite him.

History of Naumov

Andriy Naumov started working at SBU in 2019. Until July 2021, he held the position of head of the Department of Internal Security.

Naumov was a figure in the case of an attempt, which, according to investigators, was prepared for him by the former first deputy head of SBU Dmytro Neskoromnyi. This case became known in January 2021. An employee of the “Alpha” special unit Yuriy Rasyuk was detained on suspicion of preparing the murder, he made a deal with the investigation and received a suspended sentence. According to the case file, Neskoromnyi acted "out of motives of personal revenge" — he is still being sought.

On the night of February 24, 2022, a few hours before the full-scale invasion of Russian troops, Naumov left Ukraine. After that, Schemes wrote that the State Bureau of Investigation had started criminal proceedings under the article "treason".

On April 1, 2022, the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky stripped Naumov of the rank of general because he violated the military oath. On June 18, 2022, SBI stated that Naumov may be involved in the transfer of secret documentation about the Chornobyl nuclear power plant to the special services of the Russian Federation.

In Ukraine, Naumov was informed of three suspicions: illegal enrichment, misappropriation of property due to abuse of official position, and fraud, which caused losses to the state of more than 3.2 million hryvnias. He was not charged with treason.

In early June 2022, Naumov was detained on the territory of Serbia while trying to get to North Macedonia. Hundreds of thousands of euros were found in his car. He tried to forge official documents about the alleged legal origin of funds and property, for which he was informed in Serbia of suspicion of forgery of documents. Now he is waiting for the final sentence of the Serbian court.