A part of Myrnohrad was closed to entry — people are being taken out of there in armored capsules


Local authorities have closed two micro-districts of the city of Myrnohrad (the Donetsk region), which are close to the front line. Families with children are forcibly evacuated in armored capsules from there.

This was reported by the deputy head of the Myrnohrad City Military Administration Tetyana Sytnyk, Suspilne Donbas reports.

"The situation is such that you need to leave as soon as possible, because already two districts of our city — district ʼ5/6ʼ and microdistrict ʼZakhidnyʼ — are not allowed: there is only take-out. And we are already transporting people and children in capsules," she said.

About 200 people were involved in the evacuation (in particular, officials, social workers, teachers, kindergarten teachers). Families with children are taken away by law enforcement officers and employees of the State Emergency Service.

If the family does not evacuate on their own, the authorities provide transport available in the community to the evacuation centers in the city of Pokrovsk (the Donetsk region).

At the same time, there are families who, despite the danger, do not want to leave and hide their children. In more dangerous areas, law enforcement officers and rescuers are looking for them, in others the authorities are working, trying to find out information about their whereabouts from neighbors. In the "Novator" microdistrict, which is far from the front line, many people refuse to leave because they hope to spend the night in basements.

On August 5, forced evacuation of minors with their parents or guardians was announced in Myrnohrad. As of August 20, 493 minors remained in the city. Sytnyk said that about 50 families, approximately 120 children, leave every day.

Not only people are being evacuated from the city, but also state institutions and institutions, in particular, the Central National Insurance Agency, branches of the pension fund, and banks. Starting next week, grocery stores will also be closed. A long curfew has been in effect since August 19 in Myrnohrad: from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m.

The Myrnohrad Territorial Community includes three more settlements that are a little further from the front line: Rivne, Chervonyi Lyman, Sukhetske — where the authorities also plan to announce the forced evacuation of families with children.

  • From Pokrovsk in (the Donetsk region), to which the Russian army is approaching, the evacuation of the population is intensifying. 500-600 people leave the city every day. The head of the Pokrovsk city military administration Serhii Dobryak emphasized that the local population has one or two weeks to evacuate.

Author: Iryna Perepechko