Operation “Ocheret”: Russian military blew up the headquarters with “Storm-Z” officers and went over to the side of Ukraine

Liza Brovko

The Russian military blew up the headquarters with “Storm-Z” officers and went over to the side of Ukraine. The Main Directorate of Intelligence (known as GUR) called it Operation "Ocheret", which was prepared, in particular, by the "I Want to Live" project and the "Freedom of Russia" legion.

In the winter of 2024, a Russian FPV pilot contacted the Freedom of Russia Legion. According to him, he went to cooperate with Ukraine because of "war and other crimes of the command". At an opportune moment, he threw a grenade into the ventilation hole of the basement of the “Storm-Z” unit headquarters, where his combatant and other Russian officers — about 15 people in total — were sleeping.

After that, the Russian escaped along a pre-planned route and crossed over to the territory controlled by Ukraine. He also transmitted valuable intelligence about the location and number of Russians on one of the front lines.

Now the Russian has become a recruit of the "Freedom of Russia" legion.