The government introduced experimental changes to military accounting. The main points

Liza Brovko

In Ukraine, an experimental project of automatic verification and verification of information about conscripts, conscripts and reservists is being implemented. The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the relevant resolution.

The press service of the Ministry of Reintegration informed about the changes.

Military registration for conscripts. Men aged 17 to 25 who live in Ukraine or abroad must register for military service without passing a military medical commission.

Entry into the register. Men aged 16 to 25 who live in Ukraine and want to issue a passport will be entered into the Unified State Register of Conscripts and Reservists (USRCP). It is not necessary to pass military medical commission (MMC). This also applies to those who are abroad and apply for a passport at Ukrainian embassies.

Verification of documents abroad. Men aged 18-60, who apply for Ukrainian or foreign passports outside of Ukraine, will have their military registration documents verified through the “Trembita” state electronic system.

Ukraine will also form a list of men aged 16 to 60 whose data must be in USRCP and who must be put on the military register.

  • After the mobilization law came into effect on May 18, all men aged 18-60 were required to update their military registration data within 60 days (until July 18).