Mexico invited Putin to the inauguration of newly elected President Sheinbaum. Ukraine called to arrest him if he comes

Oleksandra Amru

The team of newly elected Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum has begun sending invitations to the presidents of various countries to participate in the status of special guests at the inauguration on October 1.

This is reported by El Universal.

One of the official invitations went to the leader of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, which was sent to him through the Mexican embassy in Russia.

At the same time, the leaders of Peru and Ecuador did not receive an invitation, as Sheinbaum reported the other day that she does not agree with their policy, which limits relations between Mexico and these countries.

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky was also invited to the inauguration.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Mexico City emphasized that Mexico recognizes the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and therefore must execute the warrant for Putinʼs arrest if he does come. The country ratified the Rome Statute in 2005.

"We hope that the Mexican government, which has an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin, is aware of the fact that he is a war criminal, suspected of abducting and forcibly transporting Ukrainian children to Russia... We believe that the Mexican government will in any case comply an international arrest warrant, handing Putin over to the UN judicial body in The Hague," the embassy said.

Earlier, the Russian leader congratulated Scheinbaum on his election to the post of president of Mexico. Putin noted that Mexico is "a traditionally friendly partner of Russia in the Latin American region." He hopes that his future colleague will "contribute to the further development of constructive cooperation" between the two countries.

  • On March 17, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the Commissioner for Childrenʼs Rights Maria Lvova-Belova. They are suspected of illegally deporting Ukrainian children from the occupied territories of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, which is a war crime. Putin and Lvova-Belova should be arrested as official suspects in countries that have ratified the Rome Statute. That is, 123 countries are closed to them.
  • After issuing the warrant, Putin visited only Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, China, the DPRK, and Kazakhstan, which did not ratify the statute. Issuing a warrant from ICC should ideally make Putin unmanageable.