Missile attacks on Kharkiv and Sumy regions: GUR informed that it had identified 29 responsible Russian commanders

Kostia Andreikovets

The Main Intelligence Directorate (known as GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported that its operatives and analysts identified 29 Russians from the command staff of the 112th Missile Brigade (military unit 03333) of the 1st Tank Army of the Moscow Military District, who are directly involved in the missile attacks on civilian infrastructure in Sumy and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine.

Itʼs about the command staff of the brigade, which includes 1 missile and technical division and 3 missile divisions, which include 9 batteries with 12 launchers of the “Iskander” complex, which hit Ukraine with ballistic and cruise missiles with a flight range of more than 500 km.

Information on the 29 commanders includes their photos, first names, surnames, dates of birth, passport numbers and series, registered addresses and tax numbers. A detailed list is here.