Starting today, men aged 18 to 60 will have their military registration documents checked at the border

Oleksandra Amru

From July 17, all men between the ages of 18 and 60 will be checked for a military registration document when crossing the border.

This was reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine (SBSU).

According to the law on mobilization, citizens of Ukraine had until July 16 to register for military service or to clarify their military registration data.

And from July 17, when crossing the border to leave, border guards will check military registration documents of all Ukrainian citizens — men aged 18 to 60. If you do not have such documents with you, the border guards will not let you abroad.

The SBSU clarified that the document can be both paper and electronic.

Also, border guards can refuse to cross the border to a person who is considered wanted by the National Police in the Unified State Register of Conscripts and Reservists (USRCR).

The military registration documents of men who have the right to cross the border due to a postponement of the draft or exclusion from military registration due to health conditions must contain information about receiving such a postponement or a certificate for a special period.

  • On April 11, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law on mobilization, which entered into force on May 18. By law, all conscripts must update their data in the Territorial Procurement Center within 60 days, that is, by July 18. Conscripts who have not updated their data by the set deadline may be subject to fines.
  • Also, from July 18, the administrative service centers will not update military registration data. Now this can be done only in Territorial Procurement Centers (TPC) or through the "Reserve+" application. Representatives of the TPC will start sending summonses by mail, they will be considered served even if the citizen did not receive it or refused to sign it.
  • Babel explained in detail the law on mobilization and what it provides.