The Ukrainian agreement was approved at the summit in Washington. It became part of long-term security commitments

Kostia Andreikovets

At the end of the 75th NATO summit in Washington, the leaders of the 24 member countries of the bloc adopted the Ukrainian Treaty, which became part of the obligations regarding the long-term security of Ukraine.

This was reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine.

This document was an addition to the G7 joint declaration agreed a year ago at the previous summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in Vilnius. US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke during the adoption of the agreement.

"In the short term, we will continue to provide Ukraine with the weapons, ammunition and training necessary to repel Russian forces. In the medium term, we will help create forces and opportunities to protect Ukraine and deter further aggression," Biden said.

He emphasized that in the event of Russiaʼs attempt to attack Ukraine again after the end of the current war, all countries that have adopted the Ukrainian Treaty will support the state in its confrontation with the Russian Federation.

The agreement was concluded to coordinate and accelerate collective efforts aimed at meeting Ukraineʼs comprehensive security needs.

  • The 75th NATO anniversary summit was held in Washington from July 9 to 11. In addition to the members of the Alliance, foreign ministers of 35 non-NATO partner countries were invited to the event. Among the famous participants are the heads of foreign affairs of Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Ukraine was also present at the summit.
  • Following the results of the summit, NATO members announced Ukraineʼs "concrete" progress in reforms. The bloc called Ukraineʼs accession to the Alliance "irreversible" and assured support on the way to Euro-Atlantic integration. The decisions adopted at the summit are a "bridge" to Ukraineʼs membership in the bloc. There is no specific framework for membership in the final declaration.
  • Also, NATO members agreed on a €40 billion aid plan for Ukraine in 2025 — the bloc has made a commitment. Half of this amount will be covered by the United States, and the rest by allies. The money will be used for military aid, related orders and goods, as well as for training.
  • It also became known that a senior representative of NATO will appear in Ukraine. He will help work on reforms and changes necessary for accession and report on Ukraineʼs progress to Brussels, as well as to the new command in Wiesbaden (NSATU), which is being created to coordinate the supply of military equipment to Ukraine and the training of Ukrainian troops.
  • In addition, following the results of the summit, several countries decided to transfer additional air defense to Ukraine: two Patriot batteries will be transferred to Germany and Romania, one to the Netherlands together with its partners, and one more to the United States. Italy will provide the SAMP-T system. The US and allies will deliver NASAMS, HAWK, IRIS-T and Gepard in the coming months.