WSJ: NATO will appoint a person responsible for long-term aid to Ukraine, who can “protect” it from Trump

Kostia Andreikovets

At the summit in Washington (July 9-11), NATO should appoint a person responsible for long-term assistance to Ukraine.

The Wall Street Journal writes about it.

According to the newspaper, the Alliance will appoint a high-ranking civil official who will be in Kyiv. He will be responsible for the needs of military modernization and non-military support, will report both to the NATO headquarters in Brussels and to the new command in Wiesbaden (Germany) — he will be created to coordinate the supply of military equipment to Ukraine and the training of Ukrainian troops.

According to the sources, these steps will help NATO to better coordinate the efforts of Western countries to provide military support to Ukraine, and will also make the Armed Forces of Ukraine more similar to the Armed Forces of NATO.

The newspaper notes that the appointee will be able to protect long-term aid — amid the strengthening of the right-wing forces in Europe and the growing possibility that former US President Donald Trump may return to the White House and reduce support for Ukraine.

  • In mid-June 2024, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that the Alliance had approved an operational plan for expanded support to Ukraine, which includes the blocʼs more active participation in the delivery of weapons and training of Ukrainian troops.
  • According to this plan, NATO will in the future take over the international coordination of arms deliveries and training, partly using the command structure of the Alliance with the attraction of funds from its common budget. Stoltenberg expressed hope that the leaders of the member states will agree in Washington on the annual financing of military support to Ukraine at the level of about €40 billion.