Verbytsky was dismissed from the post of Deputy Prosecutor General. This was preceded by an investigation by journalists

Olha Bereziuk

Dmytro Verbytsky was dismissed from the post of Deputy Prosecutor General, the press service of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office reports.

It is noted that on July 1, Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin signed an order to dismiss Verbytsky from the administrative post of deputy at his own request.

MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak explains that the dismissal from the administrative position means that Verbytsky will no longer be a deputy, but will remain a prosecutor.

What preceded

On May 7, Schemes (a Radio Liberty project) published an investigation into the fact that Verbytsky lives in an estate in the elite cottage town of Konyk in Kyiv. His nephew bought this estate on behalf of an Odesa businessman for more than 2 million hryvnias, which, as the journalists pointed out, is six times less than its market value. And on June 10, the second part of the Schemes investigation was released, in which it is said that Verbytskyʼs girlfriend became the owner of elite property worth at least 52 million hryvnias in six months.

Verbytsky himself assures that his girlfriend had property and funds long before the beginning of their relationship. He believes that the purpose of the investigation is to put pressure on the prosecutorʼs office.

On June 21, it became known that Kostin temporarily transferred the performance of Verbytskyʼs duties to other deputies. At the same time, Verbytsky was not suspended.