Poland and the Baltic countries are asking the EU to give money for a defense line on the border with Russia and Belarus

Liza Brovko

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are calling on the European Union to allocate money for the construction of a defense line along the blocʼs border with Russia and Belarus.

Reuters writes about it.

The four countries plan to present their plan to protect the blocʼs 27 countries during the EU summit, for which they need the financial support of all members. The leaders of the states believe that the defense infrastructure on the border of the EU with Russia and Belarus "will solve the acute and urgent need to protect the EU from military and hybrid threats."

European diplomats estimate the cost of building such a defense line along the EUʼs 700-kilometer border with Russia and Belarus at about €2.5 billion.

The topic of European defense investments will be one of the main ones at the EU Summit, as the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine continues for the third year, and Moscow is intensifying hybrid attacks against the West.