Forced evacuation of children from five settlements will be carried out in Donetsk region

Oleksandra Amru

In Donetsk region, children with their parents or other legal representatives will be forcibly evacuated from the village of Drobysheve of the Lyman community, as well as from the villages of Nova Poltavka, Novoolenivka, Oleksandropil and Romanivka of the Illiniv community.

Such a decision was made at an extraordinary meeting of the Regional Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergency Situations of the Donetsk Region, reported the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, Vadym Filashkin.

"We have sent this decision for approval with the military command bodies in the relevant territory and the Coordination Headquarters on mandatory evacuation of the population under martial law," he said.

Also, at the meeting of the commission, the strengthening of evacuation measures from the Toretsk community was considered. Filashkin noted that Russian troops bombard the community every day with all types of weapons, in particular, they use aerial bombs and drones, so it is extremely dangerous for the civilian population to stay there.