“Rosguard” General Turchenyuk was informed of the suspicion of waging an aggressive war. He participated in the occupation of Kherson region

Kostia Andreikovets

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) declared the suspicion to the commander of the Russian military group "South", Colonel-General Igor Turchenyuk. He is charged with waging an aggressive war (Part 2 of Article 437 of the Criminal Code), for which he faces up to 15 years in prison.

SBU informs that Turchenyuk took part in the capture and occupation of the right bank of the Kherson region in the winter of 2022.

According to the investigation, the general led the units that captured the region, and during the occupation he commanded the "filtration" groups that persecuted members of the resistance movement. In addition, on the orders of Turchenyuk, the Russian military attacked the participants of the protest against the aggression of the Russian Federation. Russians abducted Ukrainians on the streets and took them to torture chambers. Also, units of the "Rosguard" under the leadership of Turchenyuk were on duty at checkpoints, where they stopped and "confiscated" the cars of local residents who wanted to leave the occupation. At the same time, people were robbed.

On the eve of the liberation of Kherson by Ukrainian troops, units of Russian troops under the command of Turchenyuk fled to the left-bank part of the region, where they continue to commit war crimes, SBU emphasizes. Turchenyuk is currently at large, he is still in the occupied part of the territory of Ukraine.