Men can be expelled from universities for refusing to undergo basic military training — the government approved the resolution

Olha Bereziuk

The Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution on the basic military training of male students and police officers. Refusal to attend school may result in deductions.

The corresponding resolution was adopted on June 21, it was published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The implementation of the resolution will make it possible to organize basic military training at universities from September 1, 2025 (according to the law on mobilization adopted in April, it will be introduced instead of conscription).

The following must be trained:

  • male students who study full-time or dually (women — voluntarily);
  • cadets of military universities, military training units of higher education;
  • university cadets with specific study conditions who train policemen;
  • police officers during initial vocational training in educational institutions.

Exceptions will be only those who:

  • recognized as unfit for military service due to their health;
  • completed military service in other states before acquiring Ukrainian citizenship;
  • have already completed military service;
  • have a certificate of passing basic training and obtaining a military accounting specialty.

If a student fit for military service refuses to undergo the practical training of basic training, this will be grounds for his expulsion.

Graduation can be postponed to the next year, if there are good reasons for this and such a decision has been approved by the head of the educational institution where such training takes place.