Estonia hands Ukraine a new package of military aid. It has a short-range Mistral air defense system

Kostia Andreikovets

Estonia is handing over a new package of military aid to Ukraine, which will include Mistral-type short-range anti-aircraft missile systems and their missiles.

This is reported on the website of the Estonian Ministry of Defense.

"We have shaped the aid package in such a way that Ukraine will get the maximum benefit from it [air defense], without harming the combat capability of the Estonian Defense Forces, and so that we can restore the necessary supplies in the shortest possible time," said Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur.

The number of systems and missiles is not disclosed.

  • Mistral is a French anti-aircraft missile system for destroying helicopters and airplanes. It is portable (MANPADS) and in the version on launch platforms for transport, ships and helicopters. The radius of action of the complex is up to 6 kilometers at a height of up to 3 km.
  • Previously, Estonia transferred Javelin anti-tank missile systems, howitzers, artillery, anti-tank mines, anti-tank grenade launchers, mortars, transport, communications, field hospitals and medical supplies to Ukraine.