Solvarʼs trial was postponed due to his mobilization. Before that, it was postponed due to the health of the former MP

Olha Bereziuk

The appeals chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) postponed until June 26 the consideration of the petition to stop the court proceedings against ex-MP Ruslan Solvar, accused of illegally receiving compensation for housing. Ex-MP mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Transparency International Ukraine writes about this.

As the defense attorney claimed at the court hearing, Solvar received a summons on the street, having just left the hospital. Since he is a reserve lieutenant, he was sent to the front almost immediately.

Many meetings in Solvarʼs case were postponed due to the illness of the ex-MP and his extremely serious state of health, and the reason for the postponement of the meeting on May 24 was Solvarʼs hospitalization.

Consideration of the petition was postponed to clarify additional details regarding the mobilization of Solvar. Before the verdict in his case, only the last word of the accused remained.

Previously, the defense offered the prosecutor to enter into a plea agreement, but no agreement was reached.

  • Solvar is accused of receiving compensation from the state for renting an apartment in the Kyiv hotel as a peopleʼs deputy, although he had an apartment in Kyiv. He received a hotel room in 2014 and only in 2018, after publicity in the media, Solvar refused compensation. In four years, he received more than 360 thousand hryvnias.
  • In June 2021, the HACC decided to acquit the former peopleʼs deputy in this case, but the prosecutors did not agree with this and filed an appeal. In September 2022, the HACC sentenced the former deputy to three years in prison, but already in December of the following year, the prison term was canceled and the case was sent for a new trial.