The Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon begin testing Ukrainian-made guided aerial bombs

Kostia Andreikovets

In a few weeks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will begin testing Ukrainian-made guided aerial bombs.

Serhii Golubtsov, chief of aviation of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, told about this in an interview with "Donbas Realia" (Radio Liberty project).

"We are also currently working on the conversion and creation of our modified aerial bombs, based on ordinary free-falling ones. There are some design nuances, you need to choose a wing, a GPS module, as well as a control module. In a few weeks, we should start the first tests of the first batches of such bombs, already Ukrainian," he said.

Golubtsov added that the combat aviation of the Armed Forces currently uses Western-made anti-aircraft guns — the American GBU-39 and GBU-62 of various calibers.

  • Russia uses guided aerial bombs most actively. With them, the Russian army constantly destroys civilian infrastructure, especially in Kharkiv, razes cities and villages on the front line to the ground, and also hits the positions of the Armed Forces. Guided aerial bombs have large charges, so they leave behind large explosions and destruction.