“Ukrnafta” will enter the electricity market. The company will build gas power plants

Kostia Andreikovets

The “Ukrnafta” company, with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), will build maneuverable power generation — gas piston and gas turbine thermal power plants, which in the medium term will be able to support the energy system of Ukraine, which suffered from the attacks of Russian troops.

This was reported by the companyʼs press service.

The energy source for the stations will be gas, which the company produces in parallel with oil.

"This is an organic step of the company to expand the value-added chain, when gas is not sold as a commodity, but electricity directly," the cpmpany “Ukrnafta” said.

The EBRD will provide the money for the construction.

  • On June 5, 2024, it became known that Ukraine will receive €300 million from the EBRD to support the energy sector. The money will go to state energy companies to restore generating capacities and infrastructure, as well as to build a new decentralized generation.
  • Among those who will receive money is “Ukrhydroenergo”. The company will restore generation after Russiaʼs attack on Ukrainian hydroelectric plants.