Hospitals and schools destroyed by Russian troops. The Ukrainian Helsinki Union presented a report on the two years of the war

Kostia Andreikovets

On Wednesday, May 22, the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (UHHRU) presented the report of its research for two years of full-scale war on the destruction and destruction of educational and medical institutions by Russian troops.

The study was presented at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center. The presentation was attended by the executive director of the UHHRU Oleksandr Pavlichenko, the head of the war crimes documentation department Serhiy Movchan, as well as representatives of the Prosecutor Generalʼs Office, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health, non-governmental international and national human rights organizations.

The study collected numerous facts of the destruction and destruction of educational and medical institutions from the first days of the invasion, which is a serious war crime, and also generated statistical data. For example, union researchers noted a significant difference between their statistics and those maintained by the Ministry of Health and the Office of the Attorney General. The data differ twice, in unions to a greater extent. As of March 24, 2024, union specialists have documented the destruction and damage of 1 748 educational institutions and 512 health care institutions.

In addition to the statistics, the study outlines the legal qualifications under international and national law of Russiaʼs actions so that the guilty are brought to justice, and answers the question of why the statistics of the union differ from the data of national structures.

Here is the research report: