The Ministry of Justice said that more than three thousand convicts have submitted statements of desire to serve in the army

Oleksandra Amru

More than three thousand convicts submitted applications for a contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Olena Vysotska stated this on the air of the telethon.

According to her, the Ministry of Justice generally expected to attract approximately this number of volunteers. At the same time, Vysotska notes that it is unlikely that all 20 000 convicts will be able to be recruited — earlier such a number was referred to as potential in the Ministry of Justice.

Vysotska emphasizes: according to the law, the convictʼs desire and motivation to enter into a contract with the Armed Forces and receive parole is decisive.

However, not all those willing will be able to join the Ukrainian defenders. Military medical commissions will check, in particular, the mental condition of convicts, as well as the presence of socially dangerous diseases, such as HIV infection, tuberculosis or hepatitis. The verdict of the military medical commission (MMC) can be a reason not to mobilize a prisoner.

In addition, Vysotska reminds that the readiness of the commander of the unit to take the convict into service is also important.

Learn more about the mobilization of convicts

On May 17, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law that allows convicts to voluntarily mobilize into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The law provides for the possibility for prisoners to be released on parole (by court order) for military service under a contract.

However, such an opportunity can be used only by those who have been awarded restrictions or deprivation of liberty under light articles. At the same time, those convicted of intentional murder of two or more people, rape, sexual violence, terrorism and treason will not be able to mobilize. Nor will it be allowed to replace the punishment with the opportunity to fight for those convicted of violating traffic rules while intoxicated and for particularly serious corruption crimes.

In order to get into the Armed Forces of Ukraine (and exclusively on contract), prisoners must write an application, pass the MMC, a mental state assessment, get permission from the court, and then appear at the TRC. The military unit itself will decide whether it is ready to mobilize the prisoner.

For desertion — from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment in addition to the unserved term of the previous sentence.