Belarus, following Russia, suddenly checks the readiness of nuclear weapons carriers

Kostia Andreikovets

The Ministry of Defense of Belarus and the Secretary of the Security Council of the country Oleksandr Wolfovych informed about a sudden inspection of non-strategic nuclear weapons carriers.

This was reported by the press service of the agency and Radio Svoboda.

Secretary of the Security Council Oleksandr Wolfovych said that the inspection is being carried out "in sync" with the exercises in Russia, which were announced on May 6. The troops will practice the suspension of "special ammunition" for Su-25 attack aircraft, and the missile divisions of the "Iskander" and "Polonese" complexes will practice planning and conditional strikes.

The monitoring group "Belarusian Hajun" writes that the Su-25 attack aircraft squadrons of the 116th assault airbase and the 587th separate missile division of the 465th missile brigade, armed with Iskander-M missile systems, will be involved in the inspection. The 336th unit of the reactive artillery brigade, armed with Polonez-M missile systems, will also take part in the exercises.

According to the group, missile systems and attack aircraft are being relocated. In particular, at least two Su-25s have already flown from the Lida airfield to the Machulishchi airfield.

  • On May 6, 2024, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced training with "strikes" with tactical nuclear weapons. They will be held at the behest of Putin "in response to provocative statements and threats by certain Western officials." Moscow periodically conducts similar exercises, but without real nuclear explosions.
  • On the same day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation threatened Great Britain with strikes on military facilities outside Ukraine, if the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use British weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • With such a statement, the department responded to the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain David Cameron, who announced on May 3 in Kyiv that Ukraine has the right to use weapons provided by London to strike targets in the Russian Federation.