During the leadership of Pavelko, UAF suffered losses of 1.3 billion hryvnias

Olha Bereziuk

The Ukrainian Football Association (UAF) has published the preliminary results of the audit of its activities for 2015-2023, conducted by the independent auditing company AC Crowe Ukraine.

In January 2024, immediately after being elected to the post of UAF president, Andrii Shevchenko announced a comprehensive audit of the associationʼs activities. Its first results are now known, and the final document should be completed within three months.

So far, the auditors have discovered the outflow of UAF assets in the amount of 1 billion 342 million 900 thousand hryvnias. The main losses were caused by operations with offshore companies, losses of funds due to the use of deposits, costs associated with overestimation of the cost of purchased goods, works and services.

UAF pointed out that these data are preliminary and have yet to be finally approved. The final results of the inspection will be published after the analysis is completed.

  • In 2018-2019, the investigators of the National Police opened criminal proceedings against the management of UAF and its chairman Andrii Pavelko due to the possible embezzlement of budget 270 million hryvnias ($11.16 million), which were allocated for the construction of football fields with an artificial surface in the regions, as well as due to the possible seizure with budget funds of "FFU Production" and "Sport Technology".
  • Two more cases are being investigated by the National Anti-corruption Bureau (NABU): abuse of office by the federationʼs leadership, which led to inflated prices during the purchase of fields, and false declaration of assets by the federationʼs president Andrii Pavelko.
  • In 2022, Pavelko was arrested, but he was immediately released on bail of 9.8 million hryvnias. On June 16, 2024, he was arrested again, but in February 2024, he was released again.