The European Parliament postponed the decision on the budget of the EU Council due to the lack of deliveries of additional Patriots to Ukraine

Liza Brovko

The European Parliament postponed a decision on the funding of the EU Council until it supports the supply of additional Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine.

MEP and former Prime Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt made a proposal to change the agenda and postpone the approval of the budget of the Council of the EU until the European Union finds the seven Patriot systems that Ukraine needs. Guy Verhofstadt emphasized that the EU has a hundred such systems.

MEPs responded to his words with applause.

The European deputy, former Prime Minister of Lithuania Andrius Kubilius also wrote about this case:

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba repeatedly called on foreign partners to transfer 5-7 Patriot systems to Ukraine and called this number the minimum necessary. At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine needs 25 Patriot systems for full protection.