Two more industrial parks will be created in Ukraine. There will be investments and new jobs

Liza Brovko

Two new industrial parks will be created in Ukraine, one of which will be located in the Rivne region, and the other in the Lviv region.

This was announced by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

There will be an industrial park specializing in industrial processing in the Rivne region. It is expected to create 1,400 new jobs. More than a billion hryvnias are invested there.

The second industrial park in the Lviv region will also specialize in the processing industry with an emphasis on furniture production. Investments are expected in the amount of more than two billion hryvnias. Two thousand jobs will be created there.

"For the past six months, we have seen progress in the creation of new industrial parks. One billion hryvnias have been allocated in the budget for their development this year," Shmyhal added.

  • In the summer of 2022, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced three levels of economic development and cooperation, among which were industrial recovery and investment attraction, including the creation of industrial parks.