The Pentagon named priority weapons for replenishing its stockpiles. These are weapons that were handed over to Ukraine

Sofiia Telishevska

After providing aid to Ukraine, the Pentagon must replenish its weapons stockpile for a total of $6.5 billion. In a letter to Congress, the US Department of Defense specified exactly what weapons are needed, including missiles for HIMARS, TOW anti-tank systems and night vision devices.

Bloomberg, which has read the document, indicates that the list is dated February 24.

The Pentagon plans to distribute funds as follows:

  • $2.1 billion for components and assembly of 155-mm shells;
  • $915 million to purchase additional components for HARM anti-radar missiles;
  • $797 million in components for Patriot interceptors from factories;
  • $549 million for additional GMLRS weapons components;
  • $348 million for TOW anti-tank missiles and components;
  • $308 million for night vision devices.

This list is only part of the total list of $10 billion worth of weapons that the US provided to Ukraine from its warehouses, but later did not receive an appropriation from Congress to replenish the stockpiles.

The Pentagon also expects these funds to be included in the additional request of US President Joe Biden, which provides for the allocation of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel.