Head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation: there is an algorithm that will help make the Starlink of the Russians at the front, not work

Stanislav Tkacevich

The Minister of Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, said in an interview with "Suspilne" that there is an algorithm for solving the issue of the Russiansʼ use of Starlink satellite communications at the front.

Fedorov also added that he talked about it with SpaceX founder Elon Musk even before the issue gained public resonance. The minister added that in order to get out of this situation, the case in Israel was analyzed.

"We looked, analyzed the case, which was just in Israel, when the escalation of the conflict in Gaza had just begun. How they got out of such a situation. We found a suitable algorithm, offered SpaceX, and now we have a clear communication about how to make sure that there are no such cases," Fedorov said.

At the same time, he added that despite this, he does not know how this situation will be resolved. In addition, Fedorov added that it is possible to disable Starlink in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, but it will be "catastrophic" for us.