The National Bank raised the dollar rate again — it is higher than UAH 38

Kostia Andreikovets

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) again raised the official exchange rate of the dollar based on the results of interbank trading. The dollar rose to a new historical high.

This is reported on the website of the regulator.

The official rate for January 1, 2024 is set at 38.002 hryvnias for 1 dollar (+0.0196 hryvnias).

The euro exchange rate is 41.996 hryvnias for 1 euro (-0.2119 hryvnias). This is lower than the historical maximum, but the exchange rate is determined by quotations of the euro/dollar pair on the international market and does not depend on the National Bank.

At the interbank exchange, the exchange rate increased by 2 kopecks to UAH 38.04 per dollar. On the cash market, the exchange rate rose to 39.2 hryvnias for 1 dollar.