The MP of Ukraine was exposed for trying to bribe the head of the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure
This was reported by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) on November 21.
According to Babel sources, it is about the MP from the "Servants of the People" faction Andrii Odarchenko. He is a member of the committee on anti-corruption policy. In exchange for the money, the peopleʼs deputy asked for help to get money from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of the war for the repair of the infrastructure object under his control.
Nayem helped the anti-corruption authorities and himself informed them about the bribery attempt. After Nayem, as a corruption whistleblower, allocated money to the deputy, the first tranche of the bribe equivalent to $10 000 was deposited into his account. This is the first in the history of anti-corruption authorities to document an illegal gain in cryptocurrency.
Andriy Odarchenko has already received suspicion under Article 369 of the Criminal Code — promising a bribe or giving a bribe to an official.