The longest frost-free period has ended in Kyiv — it lasted a record 232 days

Oleksandra Opanasenko

The frost-free period that began on March 31 ended in Kyiv. It lasted a record 232 days.

This was reported by the Central Geophysical Observatory named after Borys Sreznevsky.

According to observations, on November 18 in Kyiv, for the first time this fall, the air temperature dropped to -0.2 ºС, which indicates the end of the frost-free period.

The shortest frost-free periods in the capital were in 1902 and 1945 — they lasted only 144 days, and the record long period — 232 days — was recorded this year. The previous record of 225 days in 2022 lasted just one year.

  • The average multi-year date of the first frost in the air is October 21, and the duration of the frost-free period is 197 days.
  • Winter will officially begin when the average daily air temperature goes below 0°C. On average, the date of such a transition in Kyiv falls on November 29.
  • On August 27, 2023, three heat records were recorded in Kyiv. Then the night became the warmest — the temperature did not drop below +21.3 °C, and the maximum air temperature in the afternoon reached +33.3 °C. The average daily air temperature was the highest during the observations and was +26.9 °C.