Yevhen Spirin


Yevhen Spirin

I grew up in Luhansk city, in the neighborhood where thugs lived. As a child, I made a homemade newspaper using cutouts from my father's magazines. It was called Arm Times [Рука таймс] because these were the only words that could be put together from the letters available. I wanted to be a lawyer or a journalist. My father decided that I should become a police investigator. In 2014, the occupiers took me to the basement as a prisoner. After that I moved to Kyiv and became a journalist for Hromadske. Later I went to implement reforms at Ukrainian Public Broadcaster, and after that got into Babel. I wrote about heroes, war, people, life, death, and after February 24 about the genocide and crimes caused by Russians. I hardly sleep and I believe that together with Kateryna Kobernyk we have assembled the best editorial office in the world.

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