Poland has appointed a new ambassador to Ukraine

Anhelina Sheremet

Poland appointed a new ambassador to Ukraine, the historian and journalist Jarosław Guzy. This was reported in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country.

Jarosław Guzy is a sociologist and historian who has worked as an international policy expert at the Polish Press Agency in recent years. In the 1990s, he held the position of adviser to the Minister of National Defense and was a member of the Movement for the Republic of Poland. Since 1996, he has been a member of the Council for Cooperation with the Asia-Pacific Region, and since 1999 — a member of the Council of the Polish Atlantic Club. The communist regime persecuted him for opposition activities, for which he spent a year under house arrest. Guzy also studied at Yale University and interned in the US Congress.

Guzyʼs wife is Agnieszka Romashewska-Guzy, a Polish journalist and general director of Belsat TV channel.

Yaroslav Guzi (left).

Jarosław Guzy replaced Bartos Tsihotskyi in this position. He completed his four-year mission as Polandʼs ambassador to Ukraine, he was the only ambassador who remained in Kyiv after the Russian invasion.