The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working on the return of Ikea, H&M and Zara brands to Ukraine

Liza Brovko

Such global brands as Ikea, H&M and Zara can resume work in Ukraine.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba, said this in an interview with Natalia Moseichuk.

According to him, the more international business will work in Ukraine, the more confident the country will be of victory.

Kuleba told how the McDonaldʼs chain returned to Ukraine: he called the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and at the end of the conversation said "Tony, what is wrong with the order? What kind of attitude is this towards us?", referring to the closing of McDonaldʼs in Ukraine. After that, the network began to resume its work.

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the work of McDonaldʼs in the country is a signal to investors that it is possible to do business here, which means jobs and orders for many suppliers.