Russia will not join the UN Security Council on human rights — there were no votes

Anna Kholodnova

UN member states did not re-elect Russia to the Security Council on human rights. She received 83 votes out of the required 97, Suspilne reports.

All 193 members of the UN General Assembly voted. As a result, 15 countries, including Albania and Bulgaria, joined the Security Council on human rights.

  • On April 7, 2022, 93 members of the UN General Assembly voted for the resolution to suspend Russiaʼs membership in the UN Human Rights Council, 24 were against, and 58 abstained. Russia blamed "the United States and its allies" for the loss of membership.
  • In May 2022 , the UN General Assembly elected the Czech Republic as a member of the Human Rights Council instead of Russia.
  • This year, the BBC reported that Russia is seeking to rejoin the UN Human Rights Council. Journalists received a copy of the document that Russia distributed among UN members. In it, the Russian Federation promised to find "adequate solutions to human rights problems" and declared its desire to prevent the Council from turning into "an instrument that serves the political will of one group of countries."