Thermal imager manufacturer “Archer” states it has suspended operations due to NABU searches. The Bureau commented it

Anhelina Sheremet

The Ukrainian manufacturer of thermal imagers "Arсher" has temporarily suspended its activities due to searches by the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU).

This was reported by the head of the company Oleksandr Yaremenko.

"We apologize for the temporary inconvenience. There is currently no communication with us. We are temporarily unable to assist you with repairs, maintenance or ʼflashingʼ of Archer devices. The NABU visited us yesterday. Searches were conducted in the offices and homes of employees, phones, computers and documents related to the execution of state contracts were seized. This is my first search since 1992, when I became the head of the company. Everything went more or less decently. We voluntarily handed over the equipment, all passwords and documents," Yaremenko wrote.

According to him, during the searches, they copied design drawings and documentation, software products that are the intellectual property of the company and the state, and the detective allegedly stated that Archer "is a straw company of the Ministry of Defense."

What does NABU say?

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau commented on this situation on October 6. Searches were carried out in private companies in the case of a possible waste of state funds in particularly large amounts during the purchase of defense products.

Investigators established that one of these companies concluded a number of contracts for the supply of thermal imagers to the army. The total amount of contracts is almost 1.5 billion hryvnias, of which the company received an advance payment (from 80 to 100%). Despite this, the company violated delivery terms by more than 9 months. That is, the Defense Forces received the equipment late. In addition, as of the beginning of August, the company has not delivered products worth almost UAH 200 million.

The detectives stated that during the searches they did not seize computers, all the necessary information was copied on the spot, and the searches were conducted taking into account the specifics of the companyʼs activities. NABU denies that it copied design drawings, documentation and software products. The safe was broken because the companyʼs employees did not give the key.

Олександр Яременко / Facebook

NABU also reports that foreign companies that are related to supplier companies are in the focus of attention of Western law enforcement officers due to possible money laundering.