Military exercises of the CSTO countries began in Belarus. Ukraine has strengthened border protection

Oleksandr Ruban

Military exercises of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) "Combat brotherhood — 2023" have started in Belarus. They will last until September 6. In response to the military exercises in Ukraine, the defense of the state border and vigilance at all combat positions were strengthened.

Military personnel from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are taking part in the exercises. More than 2 500 military personnel with 500 units of weapons, military and special equipment are involved in the maneuvers. CSTO member Armenia does not participate in the exercises.

The training takes place at the "Brestsky", "Hozhsky", "Domanivskyi", "Obuz-Lesnivskyi", "Chepeleve" and "Lesyshche" training grounds. Rescue units of nuclear and radiation safety of the population will train in the Ostrovetsky district.

The commander of the "North" troops Serhiy Nayev informed that the exercises do not pose any immediate danger, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces are always ready for an adequate response. "For us, any action by the enemy, including conducting exercises on their territory, is a certain aspect of increased danger," he noted.

According to Nayev, all commanders and commanders have been given clear tasks, the military is ready for any situations.

  • Armenia previously announced plans to leave the CSTO. In June of this year, the Prime Minister of Armenia stated that his country is not an ally of Russia in the war against Ukraine. The Kremlin stated that they "took it into account."