An attempt was made on the deputy head of the tax department Yevhen Sokur

Sofiia Telishevska

Yesterday, August 17, there was an assassination attempt on the acting deputy head of the State Tax Service (STS) of Ukraine Yevhen Sokur.

The MP, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian parliament) Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Danylo Hetmantsev informed about this.

"From yesterday, some rumors started to leak, but the police asked not to divulge any information until the morning. Until the morning. Therefore, I will answer everyone at the same time now," he wrote.

Hetmantsev said that the attack took place in the center of the city (he did not specify the city, but it is probably Kyiv) at 07:50. The MP states that it was "fraudsters" who have lost "business" and "crossed the line" as customers [of a murder].

The performers were detained, they are testifying against the customers.

According to the information provided on the website of the State Tax Service, Yevhen Sokur is the acting deputy head of the State Tax Service, and has the sixth rank of a civil servant. In June, it was reported that Yevhen Sokur presented the directions of digitalization of the STS.

  • In June, the journalists of the "Money" program dedicated an issue to Yevgeny Sokur. According to their information, Sokur participated in the selection for the position of head of the economic analysis department, but did not pass. In April 2022, Marina Baryakhtar won the election, but three days later she resigned from the post. Then Yevhen Sokur was announced as the winner. Despite his lack of experience, on May 7, 2022, he was appointed acting head of the STS.