Climate activists blocked traffic on the Rhine River for several hours in Switzerland

Anna Kholodnova

In the Swiss city of Basel, climate activists stopped traffic on the Rhine River for several hours. Four of them were arrested.

Bazonline writes about it.

A group of people descended from the Dreyrosen bridge and hung themselves on ropes, blocking the movement of ships.

The protesters wanted to prevent the transportation of oil on the Rhine. About a third of Swiss oil imports go through this route. Activists posted the slogan on the bridge: "Freedom of movement for people, not oil."

In the afternoon, the activists announced that they were ending the demonstration. Four of the five participants were arrested by the police.

  • In May, in Italy, a group of climate activists from the organization Ultima Generazione ("The Last Generation") threw coal into the Roman Trevi Fountain.
  • In April, 50 eco-activists were arrested in the Australian state of New South Wales, who climbed onto a train with coal and began to rake the cargo from the cars. They demanded the cancellation of all new coal projects.