A Ukrainian diplomat was detained in South Korea after a fight in a bar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs returns him to Ukraine

Liza Brovko

In Seoul, the capital of South Korea, an employee of the Ukrainian embassy was detained, who, while drunk, started a brawl in a bar. The Embassy of Ukraine in Korea assures that it is cooperating with the Korean authorities regarding the incident, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine announced the recall of the diplomat from the country.

This is reported by the Korean media KBS.

The publication writes that the diplomat was detained on the spot on charges of assaulting a bar employee and a policeman while intoxicated. He was taken to the station, but later released.

The Embassy of Ukraine in Korea expressed "sincere apologies to the Korean public and everyone involved for any suffering or inconvenience caused by the incident."

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Oleh Nikolenko added that the department made a decision to "immediately recall the diplomat from a long-term business trip and return him to Ukraine."