General Staff: The Defense Forces destroyed 460 Russians and 22 artillery systems over the past day. The situation at the frontline

Anna Kholodnova

In the Lyman direction, the Russian army unsuccessfully advanced south of Dibrova (Luhansk region), as the General Staff of the Armed Forces reported.

In the direction of Bakhmut, Ukrainian defenders successfully repelled attacks east of Stupochky and near Dyliivka. The offensive was also repulsed in the Avdiivka area. The Defense Forces continue to hold back the advance of Russian troops in the Maryinka area.

Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian aviation has carried out nine strikes on concentrations of occupiers, weapons and military equipment. The defense forces destroyed an enemy Ka-52 helicopter, five Shahed attack drones and two operational-tactical reconnaissance drones.

Units of missile troops and artillery struck the area of concentration of enemy manpower, weapons and military equipment, seven artillery pieces, two electronic warfare stations and two anti-aircraft missile systems of the Russians.

Over the past day, the Russian army lost approximately 460 soldiers, three tanks, five armored fighting vehicles, 22 artillery systems and three air defense systems. In total, 243 680 Russians have already died in the war in Ukraine.