Estonia extradited a Russian to the USA who could import Western weapons to the Russian Federation

Kostia Andreikovets

Estonia extradited Russian Vadym Konoshchenko to the USA, who is involved in the case of the US Ministry of Justice about the smuggling of technology and dual-use weapons from US companies for the Russian defense sector.

This is reported by the US Department of Justice.

Konoshchenko is an alleged employee of the Federal Security Service (FSB). He was arrested in Estonia on a previous warrant issued in the United States. He was extradited on July 13.

He is expected to stand trial in Brooklyn on conspiracy and charges related to a global procurement network and money laundering on behalf of the Russian government.

  • In December 2022, the US Department of Justice began investigating the purchase and export to Russia of electronic components that could be used in the development of nuclear and hypersonic weapons, as well as military technologies. Konoshchenko is one of the seven figures.
  • The US authorities have charged five Russians and two US citizens in this case. They could purchase military technology to circumvent sanctions. Each of the accused faces up to 30 years in prison.