UN Report: The world will achieve only 15% of its goals by 2030. It is about overcoming poverty, hunger and the fight against climate change

Liza Brovko

The United Nations (UN) reported that the current rate of progress suggests that only 15% of the goals for improving sustainable development can be achieved by the end of the decade.

In total, the UN has set 140 specific goals by 2030, only 21 of them will be achieved. About half of the targets are moderately or severely off track, with another 30% either unchanged or deteriorating, including key targets on poverty, hunger and climate.

Goals include eradicating extreme poverty (living on less than $2.15 a day), providing every child with quality primary and secondary school education, achieving gender equality, providing all people with clean water, sanitation and access to energy, combating climate change, etc..

According to the United Nations, by the end of the decade, 575 million people will still live below the poverty line, and 84 million children will be out of school. Meanwhile, it will take another 286 years for the world to achieve gender equality.

"The climate emergency, the war in Ukraine, the current economic downturn and other crises have brought development to a standstill for the first time in decades," the UN noted.